Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"bento children" and more links!

I have "bento children!"  When I had my friends Alyssa and Emma over a few weeks, ago, Emma went crazy looking at my cute bento stuff, and then I made them breakfast bentos.  Emma said she was going to buy bento supplies with her birthday money, but her birthday is a long way away... April!  So, I gave them a bag of supplies to get started.

They sent me a photo of their first bentos:

My first "guest bento" post.  :)  Alyssa's is in back with the sandwich, grapes, yogurt, and clementine, and Emma's in front has the smiley face.

Also, I thought I'd share a few more of my favorite bento blogs, as it's been a while.

Pikko lives in Hawaii and shares her Adventures in Bentomaking.  She includes Weight Watchers points for each bento, which are always healthy-looking and colorful!

Thought I'd give Katy Crayon's Bento Corner a shout-out as she and I read each other's blog (and comment on them!) fairly regularly.  She just recently her one-year bentoversary... I can only dream about that day.

Another newer bento blogger, Kelly of My Bento Adventure posts her lunches that always look good and include a variety of foods.

And, I think sherimiya of Happy Little Bento would win the award for the most colorful bentos!  They are always bright and healthy.



  1. Oh wow, very nice. They're so creative already! And how generous of you. That was a nice gesture, and they're on their road to better, more fun and cuter eating!

    Thanks for the links too! I'm definitely adding Kelly to my list.

  2. STEPH!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the BENTOOOOOOO! ;-)
    ~Emma Cat~

  3. Hey!! Thanks for the shout out!! I appreciate it!
